Make Peace with your Shadow
Many people believe the way to experience more happiness is to increase all the “good parts” of themselves and decrease all the “bad parts”. And that's just not true. These labels are just constructs that help our ego to categorize the behavior + attributes of...
read moreOperating System
Your Operating System is your personal thought + behavioral patterns that are formed based on how you were raised, your life experiences and your belief + value systems. This operating system (O/S) - it informs...
read moreOver-analyzation is a thief
My favorite yoga instructor recently introduced me to this quote and I was really struck by the concept of the “2 thieves” as they’ve been vying for my peace of mind for the past few weeks. I'm pretty adept at being conscious of my thoughts, how they are supporting my...
read moreWhat is Coaching?
Coaching is a consciousness raising modality that empowers the coachee to know with 100% confidence they have the answers to the challenges they’re facing intrinsically inside of them. Because they do. Coaching helps people...
read moreLuck Has Nothing To Do With It
There was a time in the not so distant past when I spent QUITE a lot of time wondering (read: worrying) if I was doing the work I was “meant to” in this life. Truth be told it took up quite a lot of my time and brain power. I had this “life isn’t a dress rehearsal”...
read moreThings don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful
Things don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful. I’m gonna let you sit with that one for a second to determine whether or not you agree or you are rolling your eyes because it’s just an annoying statement....
read moreWhy looking into the past is sometimes the only way forward
It’s become almost taboo among helping professionals to suggest digging into a client’s past is anything except re-traumatizing + stagnating. There is a judgement made: “Oh - your therapist has you talking about your past? They really should have you talking about...
read moreGrief is a Rude Beast
I thought this blog post was going to be about weed. The instructor in my yoga class this morning was high as a kite and I giggled to myself, “…only in Colorado”. Then I felt a rip of almost jealousy “I would never be able to teach a class stoned… maybe I should try...
read moreThe Real Reason Chad le Clos lost to Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps win gold over South Africa’s Chad le Clos in Rio was amazing to witness. The stamina, the comeback, the gold. Truly inspiring. While there are many topics of interest surrounding Michael Phelps (drug bust/use, retirement, return to swimming, most...
read moreWhy Risk is the Way to Happy
There is a lot of information flying around out there about how to make 2017 your best yet. Release toxicity from your life before the new year. Let go or be dragged. All good things. There are also a lot of unhappy people speaking up about what an ass-kicking year...
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